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  • Absolutely delicious takeaway meal for my birthday.great food and reasonably priced. will definitely be ordering again! Thank you.


  • Dined as a family of 6. The food in Beverley was amazing! Friendly staff, amazing menu & generous portions. Lovely menu we had pizzas, pasta & steak. Will definitely be back. X


  • We visited Pasco’s on the lake on Wednesday last week and what a lovely place to eat. Emma was our waitress and she was truly the best. So thank you for such an amazing service.


  • Great place to eat I was here for my birthday staff are very friendly and food is great especially the pizzas and desserts. I give it 10/10.


  • Excellent service and food as always. All staff in happy mood and all ready to attend to our needs. Food was delicious and well presented.


  • The food was lovely and the tables was clean with a good view off the river Humber and the sea and if you want after your food you can go for a walk to admire the sunset
